The 1st INTERNATIONAL ECONOMICS AND BUSINESS CONFERENCE (IECON) 2023 is an Annual International Conference organized by Faculty Economics and Business, Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar.
This conference will be conducted at the Muhammadiyah University of Makassar on March 7-8, 2023. We accept abstract submissions through the following link until January 31, 2023. (specific place to be announced).
This conference seeks to provide opportunities for participants, particularly lecturers and students affiliated with the Faculty of Economics and Business at Muhammadiyah University of Makassar, to disseminate ideas and research findings and expand their professional networks. We hope that this conference will provide a deeper understanding of the topics that we address, such as management, accounting, economics, Islamic economics, and taxes.
Regarding the context of the research we are concentrating on for the implementation of this year’s conference activities, including:
January 1-31, 2023
February 2, 2023
February 3-25, 2023
February 25-28, 2023
March 7-8, 2023
Prof. Dr. H. Gagaring Pagalung, S.E., M.Si
Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar
Dato. Prof. Dr. Sudin Haron, M.B.A
Kuala Lumpur Business School
Dr. Muhammad Abduh
Brunei Darussalam University
Dr. Nunung Nurul
University of Southamton UK
Associate Professor Rizky Prima Sakti
Univerity Collage of Bahrain
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